Thursday 10 October 2013

Preliminary Task - College Magazine and Contents

Front Cover

I designed my College magazine using Photoshop and a lot of its tools.


I used a range of tools when making the magazine cover. As I started by placing the image onto the tabloid canvas I thought it would be right to start by editing the image. I used the spot healing tool to correct any imperfections. I also used the dodge tool to brighten a slight shadow on the left side of the models face. Once the image was complete I then added the detail in the top right third and bottom left third, once this was completed I added the text which was the font 'Freshman' and I felt it was a relevant font for a college magazine. I wanted the colour of the text to link with the corner detail so I used the eyedropper tool to ensure the colours were exact matches. 

As I downloaded the 'Freshman' font I was able to use it through photoshop, this also meant I could add a shadow or a backdrop to the text, which I did on the masthead as I wanted the text to be white but it looked too bland and pretty much faded into the background, therefore I added a blue outline/shadow to the text which instantly made the masthead stand out. The blue that was put around the text also linked with the college as it is the colour that is used on the Sunderland College logo.


I wanted my magazine cover to appeal to the college users as much as I can, therefore I wanted to ensure all of the features of the cover would look attractive to them. This is why when it came to the main image it was of a fellow student who looked healthy and happy which would look inviting to the target audience, some of the TA may also find the student on the cover attractive which could also make them buy the magazine. 

I added the essential information in the top right third and it included the issue number, date and price. The college website was placed at the top center third above the masthead so it could be easily seen. Ideally the essential information would be placed on the barcode also and it will on my actual magazine.

In addition to this the buzz words such as 'WIN!!' will also help to persuade the audience to buy the magazine as if they do they have the chance to win something. I used a rhetorical question on one of the coverlines 'coursework conundrums?', this helps the reader interact with the magazine and ask themselves the question and if it does refer to them it will persuade them to buy it. 

Reflecting on my work

I enjoyed this task and producing the magazine cover. It enabled me to get more familiar with editing photos and using numerous tools on Photoshop. I enjoyed setting the front cover up and placing the layers in the places I thought they looked best.

Contents page

Again when creating my contents page I used photoshop. It had the widest range of tools to enable me to  come out with the best outcome. 

I wanted the contents page to be set out very clearly but still filled with colour as this would attract to the target audience. I kept the colours the same as what is used on the front cover so it runs as a house style, this will make the magazine look professional and well displayed. The size of the font flows throughout the contents page and i feel this makes the page look more attractive, with exception of the heading and the page numbers as i wanted to make these clear.

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