Monday 2 December 2013

Contents page flat plan

I've designed the flat plan of my contents page to not be over crowded and to link with the front page by including the same colour scheme and model. The 'Pulse' logo is also being used in the top right corner with the issue number and date in the left corner above the title. I am yet to decide whether my title will say 'Contents' or ' In this issue' but I will do them both and decide between the two.  

The image I will be using is one taken by me of the model that is also used in the front cover. I noticed whilst doing research that magazines tend to use interesting images or poses on their contents page, therefore I told my model to create this pose for me to photograph. 

The column to the left of the main image will be an opaque red meaning some of the side of the main image can be seen. The page numbers will be shown clearly to make it as easy as possible for the customer to find what they are looking for.

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